Gemeiner Riedbock Redunca redunca (Pallas, 1767)

English: Bohor Reedbuck; French: Redunca, Nagor; Acholi: Abut, Dinka, Keau; Amharic: Behor; Bambara-Linda: Yòlò; Basari: Lòkò; Ful: Jawre’, Konkoromaare, Bawla-reedu; Galla: Baroufa; Gbaya: Kòk-te; Hausa: k’aji, kwanta rafi; Kikuyu: Kihare; Kiswahili: To he; Manza: Nda; Sindebele: Umziki; Wolof: Padala; Zande: Mokepi

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: From Senegal east to Ethiopia, Tanzania and northern Zaire.
Behaviour: See Großriedbock
Population status: Stable.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 45-65 kg
Head and body length: 125-145 cm
Tail length: 20-25 cm
Shoulder height: 70-90 cm
Gestation period: 7-7 1/2 months
Maximum age: 10 years in captivity
Trophy: Record SCI: 42 2/8 score, 1982 Sudan, MICHELLE ROSENBRUCH; average 30 score. RW’s: 16 3/4″, 1975 Sudan, J. DELHOMMAIS; average 12″. CIC: 81.50 points, Republ. of Central Africa, F. EDMOND-BLANC; average 75 points.
Hunting methods: Stalking with trackers.
Subspecies: 5, acc. to S.J. SMITH (1984)
1. Redunca r. redunca Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, southern Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast. Stable.
2. Redunca r. nigeriensis Northern Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, northern Gabon, Central African Republic, southern Chad, southern Zaire. Stable.
3. Redunca r. cottoni Sudan, north-west Uganda, north-eastern Zaire. Stable.
4. Redunca r. bohor Eastern Sudan, western Ethiopia. Stable.
5. Redunca r. wardi Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda-Burundi, south-eastern Sudan, southern Ethiopia. Stable.
Remarks: Different authors note 8 subspecies (HALTENORTH, TRENSE 1956); HALTENORTH, DILLER 7 subspecies (1977); ANSEL 7 (1972). Here the geographical regions are taken into consideration.


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