English: Kob; French: Cobe de Buffon; Basari: Endyay; Gbaya: Kòdé, kò, dè, pénya; Manza: Kò’dé; Sango: tagba; Shaba: Sebula, Sunnu; Zande: Tagba
Kobus k. leucotis |
Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: From Senegal east to southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and western Kenya.
Behaviour: See Wasserbock
Population status: Stable.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 80-120 kg
Head and body length: 140-180 cm
Tail length: 30-40 cm
Shoulder height: 80-105 cm
Gestation period: 261-271 days
Maximum age: 14 years (17 years in captivity)
Trophy: Record SCI (Kobus k. kob): 65 1/8 score, 1984 Central African Rep., WALTER QUETIN-WITHOFS; average 40 score. CIC: 121.80 points, Benin; average 110 points.
Hunting methods: Stalking, by boat.
Subspecies: The author follows ST. J. SMITH (1984) and notes 3 geographical regions.
1. Western Kob Kobus k. kob From Gambia and Senegal east to Chad and northern Central African Republic. Stable.
2. White-eared Kob Kobus k. leucotis Southern Sudan and western Ethiopia. Stable. Trophy: Record SCI: 65 2/8 score, 1978 Sudan, PETER L. HORN II; average 50 score.
3. Uganda Kob Kobus k. thomasi South-eastern Sudan, northern Uganda, and northwestern Kenya. Stable. Trophy: Record SCI: 64 6/8 score, 1982 Sudan, PETER L. HORN II; average 50 score.
Remarks: The classification of the Kob subspecies is not clear; a revision is required. HALTENORTH-DILLER (1977) recognize as additional to the above list: Kobus k. nigricans, Kobus k. riparia, Kobus k. loderi, Kobus k. adolfi-friderici, Kobus k. ugandi ensis, Kobus k. baarkatae, Kobus k. notata, Kobus k. alurae and Kobus k. neumanni. Only the males carry horns.
Kobus k. thomasi |