Grasantilope Kobus kob (Erxleben, 1777)


English: Kob; French: Cobe de Buffon; Basari: Endyay; Gbaya: Kòdé, kò, dè, pénya; Manza: Kò’dé; Sango: tagba; Shaba: Sebula, Sunnu; Zande: Tagba

Kobus k. leucotis
Kobus k. leucotis

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: From Senegal east to southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and western Kenya.
Behaviour: See Wasserbock
Population status: Stable.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 80-120 kg
Head and body length: 140-180 cm
Tail length: 30-40 cm
Shoulder height: 80-105 cm
Gestation period: 261-271 days
Maximum age: 14 years (17 years in captivity)
Trophy: Record SCI (Kobus k. kob): 65 1/8 score, 1984 Central African Rep., WALTER QUETIN-WITHOFS; average 40 score. CIC: 121.80 points, Benin; average 110 points.
Hunting methods: Stalking, by boat.
Subspecies: The author follows ST. J. SMITH (1984) and notes 3 geographical regions.
1. Western Kob Kobus k. kob From Gambia and Senegal east to Chad and northern Central African Republic. Stable.
2. White-eared Kob Kobus k. leucotis Southern Sudan and western Ethiopia. Stable. Trophy: Record SCI: 65 2/8 score, 1978 Sudan, PETER L. HORN II; average 50 score.
3. Uganda Kob Kobus k. thomasi South-eastern Sudan, northern Uganda, and northwestern Kenya. Stable. Trophy: Record SCI: 64 6/8 score, 1982 Sudan, PETER L. HORN II; average 50 score.
Remarks: The classification of the Kob subspecies is not clear; a revision is required. HALTENORTH-DILLER (1977) recognize as additional to the above list: Kobus k. nigricans, Kobus k. riparia, Kobus k. loderi, Kobus k. adolfi-friderici, Kobus k. ugandi ensis, Kobus k. baarkatae, Kobus k. notata, Kobus k. alurae and Kobus k. neumanni. Only the males carry horns.

Kobus k. thomasi
Kobus k. thomasi
Hansgeorg Arndt


Kobus k. thomasi
