Asiatisches Rehwild Capreolus pygargus (Pallas, 1777)


English: Asiatic Roe Deer; French: Chevreuil d’Asie. For all other native names, see Rehwild

Former distribution: USSR, Ural to southern Siberia, northern Altai and Tienshan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, eastern and south-eastern China to Sichuan (Szechwan), Korea.
Present distribution: As formerly. Estimated numbers: Mongolia 800 000 acc. to KRUPKA (1984).
Behaviour: see Rehwild
Population status: Stable.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 25-59 kg
Head and body length: 120-135 cm
Tail length: 4-6 cm
Shoulder height: 75-85 cm
Gestation period: 294 days
Maximum age: Up to 17 years
Trophy: RW’s (C.p. pygargus): 17 3/4″, 1906 Tienshan, Lord ROTHSCHILD; average 13″. C.p. bedfordi: 16″, 1898 USSR, G.K. WHITEHEAD; average 10″.
Hunting methods: Stalking, on horseback, with beaters and dogs.
Subspecies: 2
1. Capreolus p. pygargus As species. Stable.
2. Capreolus p. bedfordi Amur-Ussuri region south to eastern and southern China; into Bhutan? Stable.
Remarks: The reclassification from WEMMER (1982) is recognized by the Author and listed here. Some relicted populations of P.p. pygargus are still found in the eastern Ukraine (USSR) and in the northern Caucasus. Sightings of roe deer, probably Capreolu sp. bedfordi were made in Bhutan (in lit. DONAUBAUER 1988).

