Indisches Nashorn Rhinoceros unicornis (Linné, 1758)


English: Indian Rhinoceros; French: Rhinocéros Unicorn des Indes; Bengali: Gonda; Hindi: Gainda, Gargadan; Punjabi: Karkadan.

Former distribution: Northern India and Nepal.
Present distribution: Brahmaputra Valley in Assam; in West Bengal; the Terai in Nepal.
Behaviour: See Sumatra-Nashorn
Population status: Endangered. Total: 1000-1500 estimated; India 600; Assam 150; West Bengal 50; Nepal 300; Java 20-30.
Brief notes:
Body weight: Up to 1800-2200 kg
Head and body length: 360-380 cm
Tail length: 70-80 cm
Shoulder height: 170-190 cm
Gestation period: 16 months
Maximum age: 45 years
Trophy: Horn length: Record RW’s: 24″ Assam 1909, British Museum; average 11″.
Remarks: The survival of this Indian Rhinoceros – like all the other rhino species – is threatened by poaching, habitat loss due to grazing competition from livestock, and the increase of agriculture.

