Jentinkducker Cephalophus jentinki (Thomas, 1892)


English: Jentink’s Duiker; French: Céphalophe de Jentink.

For further natives names, see Cephalophus sylvicultor

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: Liberia and western Ivory Coast.
Behaviour: See Rotflankenducker
Population status: Endangered.
Brief notes:
Body weight: Up to 70 kg
Head and body length: Up to 135 cm
Tail length: 15 cm
Shoulder height: 75-85 cm
Gestation period: 120 days
Maximum age: 10 years
Trophy: Record SCI: 22 7/8 score, 1984 Liberia, P.W. ASPER. RW’s: 7 5/8″, 1985 Liberia, J. SCHWABLAND; average 5″.
Hunting methods: With beaters, dogs, nets and from a hide.
Remarks: The Jentink’s Duiker is very little known; only 6 specimens are in scientific collections. More information required on population status and distribution.Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: Liberia and western Ivory Coast.
Behaviour: See Rotflankenducker
Population status: Endangered.
Brief notes:
Body weight: Up to 70 kg
Head and body length: Up to 135 cm
Tail length: 15 cm
Shoulder height: 75-85 cm
Gestation period: 120 days
Maximum age: 10 years
Trophy: Record SCI: 22 7/8 score, 1984 Liberia, P.W. ASPER. RW’s: 7 5/8″, 1985 Liberia, J. SCHWABLAND; average 5″.
Hunting methods: With beaters, dogs, nets and from a hide.
Remarks: The Jentink’s Duiker is very little known; only 6 specimens are in scientific collections. More information required on population status and distribution.

