Korsak Vulpes corsac (Linné, 1768)


English: Corsac; French: Corsac; Iranian: Rubahe Sardomsiah; Mongol: Khiars; Pashto: Lumbara; Russian: Korsak; Urdu: Loomari.

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: The flat steppes, semi-arid and arid desert of Asia and south-east Europe, northern Caucasia, Kazakhstan, along the Wolga river to the Ural, Transbaikal, Turkmeniya, Central Asia, North-east China, Nei Monggol (Inner Mongolia), Mongolia except the Taiga-area, northern Afghanistan and north-east Iran.
Behaviour: See Rotfuchs
Population status: Partly stable and partly endangered. Protected in Mongolia and some areas of the USSR. The density of the population varies according to its food supply.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 3-7 kg
Head and body length: 50 cm
Tail length: 25-35 cm
Shoulder height: 30-35 cm
Gestation period: 52 days
Maximum age: No records
Trophy: Skull length 12.4 cm, width 7.1 cm; CIC: 19.5 points.
Hunting methods: With dogs, eagles, traps, on a kill, calling, on horseback.
Subspecies: 4
1. Vulpes c. corsac Northern part of the area to the steppes of the Altai. Stable.
2. Vulpes c. turcmenica Southern part of the area, the flat regions of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, northern Afghanistan and northern Iran. Endangered.
3. Vulpes c. scorodumovi Transbaikal, Mongolia and north-east China. Endangered.
4. Vulpes c. ferrilata Northern Tibet. Stable.
Remarks: The Corsac is very rare in Mongolia, China and Iran. The populations in USSR declined drastically within the last 50 years. More information on population status and distribution required.

