Säbelantilope Oryx dammah (Cretzschmar, 1826)


English: Scimitar Oryx; French: Oryx algazelle; Arabic: Ouach; Hausa: Walwaji; Peulh: Dieri Kari.

Former distribution: North and south of the Sahara from Senegal, Mauritania, western Sahara, Morocco to the Red Sea; Chad, Burkina Faso, Mali and Sudan; Niger.
Present distribution: Confined to Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania and Sudan, 1985,10 from British zoos; reintroduced into Tunisia by IGF and CIC. Introduced into Texas, USA, and South Africa (Pretoria Zoo).
Behaviour: Preferred habitat: semi-desert areas; gregarious, forming small herds; activity diurnal and at twilight. They graze and browse; diet includes leaves, herbs and bushes. Predators: lions, leopards, wild dogs, hyenas and cheetahs; caracals, serval and jackals attack the calves.
Population status: Endangered. Estimated numbers: Chad: 6000 (1977); in all other regions rare or nearly extinct.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 180-200 kg
Head and body length: 150-225 cm
Tail length: 50-80 cm
Shoulder height: 110-125 cm
Gestation period: 242-256 days
Maximum age: 18-22 years in captivity
Trophy: Record SCI: 107 7/8 score, 1967 Chad, C.J. McELROY. RW’s: 50 1/8 o 68,1959, Chad, F.C. HIBBEN; average 38″. CIC: 194.05 points, O. SARRAUT.
Hunting methods: Formerly stalking and on horseback. Protected by law.
Remarks: Reasons for the drastic decline due to uncontrolled hunting, chasing by motor vehicles, and habitat loss as a result of nomadic cattle and the expansion of the oil industry.

