Westkaukasischer Tur Capra caucasica (Güldenstaedt and Pallas, 1783)


English: West Caucasian Tur; French: Bouquetin du Caucase occidental; Russian: Kubansskij Tur.

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: Western Caucasus.
Behaviour: See Spanischer Steinbock
Population status: Stable, acc. to CIC Ibex Symposium, 1984. Estimated numbers: 6000.
Brief notes: See Ostkaukasicher Tur
Trophy: Record RW’s: 36″, 1983 USSR, n.n.; average 11″, J.G. WURFBAIN. CIC: 536.10 points, 1961 USSR; average 450.
Hunting methods: Stalking, with beaters.
Remarks: The horns are similar to those of Alpine Ibexes, as opposed to the horns of Capra cylindricornis, which are sharply curved backward like those of Bharal, Blue Sheep, Pseudois nayaur. GEIST (1987) suggests that the Alpine Ibex spread radially from Central Europe in the Riss glaciation, explaining why the West Caucasian Tur (Capra caucasica) is similar to the Alpine Ibex and so very different from the East Caucasian Tur (Capra cylindricornis).

