Kouprey Bos sauveli (Urbain, 1937)


English: Kouprey; French: Kouprey; Thai: Ku-pree; Khmer: Kouprey, Kouproh.

Former distribution: Kampuchea, Vietnam, southern Laos, eastern Thailand.
Present distribution: Kampuchea, Laos, Thailand. Kampuchea: Koulen-Promtep Reserve, Lomphat Reserve, Phnom Prich Reserve; Champassak region of Laos on the border to Kampuchea; Laos: southern Laos in the Bolovens Plateau; and north-western Vietnam? Thailand: in the south-eastern Srisaket Province up to the border with Kampuchea.
Behaviour: See Gaur
Population status: Endangered. Estimated numbers: Kampuchea 50-100; Laos 20; Thailand 20.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 700-900 kg
Head and body length: 210-220 cm
Tail length: 100-110 cm
Shoulder height: 170- 190 cm
Gestation period: No records
Maximum age: No records
Trophy: Record RW’s: 32″, 1939 Laos, F. EDMOND-BLANC, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.
Hunting methods: Protected by law.
Remarks: The Kouprey was discovered by FRANCOIS EDMOND-BLANC in 1936 from skin, skull and skeleton on one of his zoological expeditions to Indochina and also in 1937 from A. URBAIN. One young animal was captured and brought to the Paris Zoological Garden, where it lived for a few years. Reasons for the drastic decline included their low reproductive rate, uncontrolled hunting for meat and horns, and loss of habitat. The established reserves and parks may secure its survival. More information required on population status and distribution.

