Pferdeantilope Hippotragus equinus (Desmarest, 1804)

English: Roan Antelope; French: Hippotrague; Acholi: Bùre; Afrikaans: Bastergemsbok; Amharic: Chele Balegame; Arabic: Abu Uruf; Bambara: Dajè; Basari: Engàw; Gbaya: Kàyà; Damara: !hoa !!...

Elenantilope Taurotragus oryx (Pallas, 1766)

English: Common Eland; French: Eland du Cap; Afrikaans: Eland; Amharic: Wudenbi; Bambara: Minanjan; Banda-Linda: Gbozogbo; Basari: Ekandand; Damara: !gaeb; Iswana: Chofu; Herero: Ongarangombe; Kikuyu:...

Halsbandpekari Tayassu tajacu (Linné, 1758)

English: Collared Peccary; French: Pecari à collier; Aztek: quauhcoyametl; Guarani: Curé-caagui, Guayanas: patirá; Guaycúrú: niguitagui; Maya: citam/kitam; Portugese (Brazil): Porco de mato, javeli, Caetetu;...

Tibetgazelle Procapra picticaudata (Hodgson, 1846)

English: Tibetan Gazelle; French: Gazelle du Tibet; Chinese: Zang-huang-yang; Tibetan: Goa, Ragao.Former distribution: As now.Present distribution: Xizang (Tibet) plateau to the Province of Qinghai...

Weißbartpekari Tayassu pecari (Link, 1795)

English: White-Lipped Peccary; French: Pecari à lèvres blanches; Guarani: Curé-taitetú; Maya: citam; Spanish: Cachete blanco, careto, cochino salvaje; Portugese (Brazil): Queixado.Former distribution: As now.Present...

Rhebock Pelea capreolus (Forster, 1790)

English: Grey Rhebok; French: Rhebuck; Afrikaans: Vaal Riebok; Sotho: Pshiatla; Tswana: Hhela, Lehele; Zulu: Iliza, Ilinxala.Former distribution: As now.Present distribution: Cape Province in South...

Weynsducker Cephalophus weynsi (Thomas, 1901)

English: Weyn’s Duiker; French: Céphalophe de Weyns.Bilder:

Indischer Kantschil Moschiola meminna (Erxleben, 1777)

English: Spotted Mouse Deer; French: Tragule des Indes; Burmese: yung; Canarese: koor andi, kooray; Hindi: pisuri, pisera; Marathi: pisura, pisora, aheda; Tamil: sarugoo maru,...

Zwergwildschwein Sus salvanius (Hodgson, 1857)

English: Pigmy Hog; French: Sanglier nain; Nepal: Bahm purke Sungur, Sano-banel; Tamil: panri; Tibetan: Phak Chu Chung.Former distribution: The foothills of the Himalayas from...

Wilder Wasserbüffel Bubalus arnee (Kerr, 1792)

English: Wild Water Buffalo; French: Buffle d'Arnie, Buffle d'eau; Annamese: Moh; Bengali: Mains; Burmese: Kywai; Canarese: kadu kona, kartee; Gonds: Gear erumi; Hindi: Arna;...