Riesenwaldschwein Hylochoerus meinertshageni (Thomas, 1904)


English: Giant Forest Hog; French: Hylochère; Fouladou: Dullungu nyaadajum; Gbaya: ngáhé; Kikuyu: numira; Kiswahili: Nguruwe; Maasai: olguiya; Yoruba: turuku, elede-odo.

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: From Liberia east to the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Zaire, Sudan, Uganda and Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania.
Behaviour: See Buschschwein
Population status: Stable, no records.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 130-275 kg
Head and body length: 155-180 cm
Tail length: 30-45 cm
Shoulder height: 80-110 cm
Gestation period: 149-154 days
Maximum age: No records
Trophy: Tusk, record RW’s: 14 1/8″, 11 1/8″, 1959 Kenya, F. EDMOND-BLANC; average 8″, 5″. SCI: 36 7/8″ score, 1974 Ethiopia, NASSOS ROUSSOS; average 20″ score.
Subspecies: 3
1. Hylochoerus m. meinertshageni Zaire, Central African Republic, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania. Stable.
2. Hylochoerus m. rimator Cameroon to East Nigeria. Stable.
3. Hylochoerus m. ivoriensis Liberia to West Nigeria. Stable.
Remarks: Very little is known about distribution, especially in the west African regions. More information required.

