Großer Malaiischer Kantschil Tragulus napu (F. Cuvier, 1822)


English: Larger Mouse Deer; French: Grand Tragule de Malaisie; Annamite: Nai XaPuong; Indonese: Pelanduc; Thai: Kra-chong-Kwai.

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: From Tenasserim in Burma to Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Kampuchea, Malaysia, Borneo with Balabak Island, Sumatra and adjoining islands. Not in Java.
Behaviour: See Hirschferkel
Population status: Stable.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 4-6 kg
Head and body length: 50-70 cm
Tail length: 7-10 cm
Shoulder height: 30-40 cm
Gestation period: 5 months
Maximum age: No records
Trophy: Upper canines: no records.
Hunting methods: By natives with dogs and nets.

