Halsbandpekari Tayassu tajacu (Linné, 1758)


English: Collared Peccary; French: Pecari à collier; Aztek: quauhcoyametl; Guarani: Curé-caagui, Guayanas: patirá; Guaycúrú: niguitagui; Maya: citam/kitam; Portugese (Brazil): Porco de mato, javeli, Caetetu; Quechuan: wangana; Spanish: Javelina; Spanish (Ecuador): huanganao lomocuchi. Other native dialects: Ak, Cuyam, Citam, Kenken, Warree.

Former distribution. As now.
Present distribution: USA, from Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Central America, South America to northern Argentina.
Behaviour: Preferred habitat: Both wet and dry tropical forests, and low and high chaparral grasslands: activity diurnal and at twilight; they feed mainly on seeds, roots, fruits, but also take insects and other invertebrates: living in groups of 5-15-males and females mixed. Predators include pumas, jaguars, anacondas and caimans.
Population status: Stable.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 20-25 kg
Head and body length: 80-100 cm
Tail length: 3-5 cm
Shoulder height: 30-50 cm
Gestation period: 142-148 days
Maximum age: 8-10 years (in captivity up to 21 years)
Trophy: Tusk record SCI: 15 6/16 score, 1979 Peru, R.D. DIMICK; average 12″ score.
Hunting methods: Stalking, with dogs.
Subspecies: 14 are specified, but doubtful that all 14 can be recognized; they are therefore omitted here.
Remarks: In the USA these animals increased in numbers due to good management. If their habitat is maintained and the hunting well regulated, they will be a good source of meat.

