Wasserreh Hydropotes inermis (Swinhoe, 1870)


English: Water Deer; French: Hydropote; Chinese: Zhang; Korean: Kibanoru, Gasha.

Former distribution: As now.
Present distribution: Yangtze river in China, province Jiangsu (Kiangsu) and in Korea. Introduced into England 1900, into France 1954.
Behaviour: Preferred habitat: tall reeds, grass and cultivated fields along the shores of rivers, swamps and islands. They live singly or in pairs, active at twilight and diurnal. Diet includes grass, reeds and vegetables. Predators are wild dogs, wolves.
Population status: Probably rare in the original distribution areas; estimated numbers: no records.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 10-15 kg
Head and body length: 70-100 cm
Tail length: 6-8 cm
Shoulder height: 45-55 cm
Gestation period: 176 days
Maximum age: No records
Trophy: Upper canines 7 cm.
Hunting methods: Stalking, from a hide, high seat.
Remarks: Water Deer were introduced into England (1900) by the DUKE OF BEDFORD in Woburn Park, and are now part of the local game population. In France they did well in the Parc de Ligaure (Dép. Haute Vienne) and were released into the region of Limoges, controlled by the local hunting associations.

