Kouprey Bos sauveli (Urbain, 1937)
English: Kouprey; French: Kouprey; Thai: Ku-pree; Khmer: Kouprey, Kouproh.Former distribution: Kampuchea, Vietnam, southern Laos, eastern Thailand.Present distribution: Kampuchea, Laos, Thailand. Kampuchea: Koulen-Promtep Reserve, Lomphat...
Fea-Muntjak Muntiacus feae (Thomas & Doria, 1889)
English: Feas Muntjac; French: Muntjac de Fea; Burmese: Jee; Thai: Fan, E-keng.Former distribution: Burma and western Thailand, Xizang (Tibet), Yunnan.Present distribution: Western Thailand, southern...
Taiwan-Muntjak Muntiacus micrurus (Sclater, 1875)
English: Taiwan Muntjac; French: Muntjac de Taiwan; Chinese: Ji.Former distribution: As now.Present distribution: Taiwan.Behaviour: See Indischer MuntjakPopulation status: Stable.Brief notes: Smaller than M. muntjak;...
Kleiner roter Mazama Mazama rufina (Bourcier and Pucheran, 1852)
English: Little Red Brockett; French: Daguet rouge nain; Brazil: mao-curta; Ecuador: socho; Guarani: bororo; Portugese: Veado mateiro, veado pardo y guasúpara; Spanish: Conzua chica;...
Leierhirsch Cervus eldi (M’Clelland, 1842)
English: Elds Deer or Thamin; French: Cerf dEld; Burmese: Tamin, Thameng; Manipur: Sangai, Sangrai, Sangnai; Tamil: man; Thai: La-oang, La mang.Former distribution: Assam, Burma,...
Wüstenluchs oder Karakal Profelis caracal (Schreber, 1776)
English: Caracal or African Lynx; French: Caracal; Afrikaans: Rooikat; Amharic: Delga Anbessa; Arab: Karakil, Aneg el Erd; Damara: !háb, /apa, /hôab; Hebrew: Karakal; Herero:...
Gabelhornantilope Antilocapra americana (Ord, 1815)
English: Pronghorn; French: Antilocapre americaine; Apache: Topi; Taos: Tah-ah-Nah; Piute: Tena; Mexican: berrendo; Klamath: Cha-o.Former distribution: Southern Canada to the central and western USA;...
Schwarzrückenducker Cephalophus dorsalis (Gray, 1846)
English: Bay Duiker; French: Céphalophe bai; Bila: Kufa; Duala: Eyongo; Ewondo-Beti: So; fouladou: Kubeyel-bawla-baawel; Kikongo: Nsa; Kiladi: Mpfunia; Lomongo: Bombende, Mkulufa; Punu: isibu; Sango:...
Amerikanischer Dachs Taxidea taxus (Schreber, 1777)
English: American Badger; French: Blaireau americain; Apache: Ba'/ma'nteelé; Navajo: Nahashch'id.Former distribution: As now. Present distribution: From south-western Canada and the north-central United States, south...
Rotfuchs Vulpes vulpes (Linné, 1758)
English: Red Fox; French: Renard; Albanian: Dhelpra; Arabic: thalab Ahmar; Bulgarian: Lisiza; Chinese: Huli; Czech: liska; Croatian: lisica; Estonian: Rebane; Lettish: Lapsa; Finnish: Kettu;...