Nilgiri-Tahr Hemitragus hylocrius (Ogilby, 1838)


English: Nilgiri Tahr; French: Tahr de Nilgiri; Canarese: Kard-ardu; Malabari: Mulla-atu; Tamil: Warri-adu, Warri-atu, thar atu.

Former distribution: Mountainous regions of southern India, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Present distribution: Nilgiri Hills, Anamalai Hills, Palani and Highwavy Hills, Eraviculam area and in the western Ghats mountains.
Behaviour: Preferred habitat: mountainous forest, hills with open grassy plains at altitudes of 1200-1600 m; activity mainly diurnal; gregarious, living in herds of up to 40; graze and browse various plants. Predators are very few, probably leopards, tigers and dholes.
Population status: Endangered. Estimated numbers: 1500-2000.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 80-100 kg
Head and body length: 100-120 cm
Tail length: 8-10 cm
Shoulder height: 80-100 cm
Gestation period: 180-242 days
Maximum age: 16-18 years
Trophy: Record RW’s: 17 1/2″, 1902 India, Nilgiri Rhodes Morgan; average 11″.
Hunting methods: Formerly by stalking. Protected by law.
Remarks: Decrease of the population due to uncontrolled hunting and habitat destruction; 4 private sanctuaries have been established.

