Rappenantilope Hippotragus niger (Harris, 1838)


English: Sable Antelope; French: Hippotrague noir; Afrikaans: Swartwitpens; Chibisa: Mperemoi; Chiteve: Palavi; Damara: =nù!nà! gaeb; Iswana: Kwalata e hala; Kiswahili: Mbarapi, Pala-hala; Lozi: Kwalata; Maasai: Ol Gisauroi; Nganguela: Mpengo; Shaba: Kafumbwe; Shangan: Mhalamhala; Shona: Mharapara, ngwarati; Shosa: Kwalata, Potokwan; Sindebele: Mtshwayeli; Tswana: Kunkuru, Kwalata; Umbundu: Mpalanka; Zulu: Ilimoni

Former distribution: From East Africa, Kenya, south to central South Africa and west to central and south Angola; southern Zaire and northern Zimbabwe.
Present distribution: South-eastern Kenya, Tanzania, south-eastern Zaire, and central Zambia, south-eastern Angola, Mozambique north of the Zambesi river, Malawi, north-eastern Botswana, Caprivi-Strip in Namibia, Zimbabwe and in South Africa in northern and eastern Transvaal; reintroduced in to Swaziland, Orange Free State and Transvaal.
Behaviour: They are gregarious, living in herds of 25-200; predominantly grazers. For all other data, see Pferdeantilope
Population status: Rare. Endangered in Angola.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 250-270 kg
Head and body length: 235-255 cm
Tail length: 55-75 cm
Shoulder height: 130-145 cm
Gestation period: 261-281 days
Maximum age: 18 years? (17 years in captivity)
Trophy: Record (Hippotragus n. niger) SCI: 124 5/8 score, 1968 Zambia, FRED RADEMEYER; average 100 score. RW’s: 60 3/4″, 1931 Zaire, Tervuren Museum (Drion); average 42″.
Hunting methods: Stalking with trackers.
Subspecies: 3
1. Sable Antelope Hippotragus n. niger Tanzania, south-eastern Zaire, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, south-eastern Angola, northern Namibia and northern Botswana, Zimbabwe to northern South Africa. Rare.
2. East African Sable Antelope Hippotragus n. roosevelti South-eastern Kenya. Rare.
3. Giant Sable Antelope Hippotragus n. variani Central Angola, between Luando and Cuanzo river, national reserve of Luando and Cangandala. Estimated numbers (1968-70): 1-1300 in the Luando Reserve, 100-150 in the Cangandala Reserve. 1982,100; acc. private comm. 1988, about 200 left, due to poaching and the effects of the war. Endangered. Trophy: Record SCI: 139 score, 1952 Angola, GEORGE W. PARKER; average 120 score. RW’s: 64 7/8, 1949 Angola, COUNT DE YEBES, Madrid Museum; 40″, Kenya, C.J. MURRAY; average 56″. CIC: 226.65 points, Angola, M.Z.; average 230 points.
Remarks: Information urgently needed about population status of the Giant Sable Antelope in Angola, so that new conservation measures can be taken immediately.

Hippotragus n. variani
Hippotragus n. variani
Hansgeorg Arndt


Hippotragus n. variani
