Weißschwanzgnu Connochaetes gnou (Zimmermann, 1780)


English: White-tailed Gnu or Black Wildebeest; French: Gnou à queue blanche; Afrikaans: Swartwildebees.

Former distribution: Central open plains of South Africa; central and northern Cape Province, Orange Free State, Transvaal and Natal.
Present distribution: On private farms and reserves, Mountain Zebra National Park, William Pretorius Nature Reserve, Lombard Nature Reserve, the mountain Reserves Giant Castle and Royal National Park of Natal.
Behaviour: Preferred habitat: open, highland grass areas with semi-desert vegetation: they live gregariously and form herds of up to 50 and more, are active by day and at twilight, and are grazers.
Population status: Stable. Estimated numbers: 4000.
Brief notes:
Body weight: 160-180 kg
Head and body length: 200-220 cm
Tail length: 90-100 cm
Shoulder height: 100-120 cm
Gestation period: 8-8 1/2 months
Maximum age: 20 years in captivity
Trophy: Record SCI: 95 5/8 score, 1983 RSA, DAVID RADEMEYER; average 72 score. RW’s: 29 3/8″, 1977 RSA, J.L. L’ECUYER; average 23″.
Hunting methods: Stalking.
Remarks: The White-tailed Gnus nearly became extinct due to competition from domestic livestock belonging to the European settlers in South Africa. Private and public initiative led to the protection of the remaining populations and these animals increased on private farms and reserves. The White-tailed Gnus are now no longer in danger of extinction.

