Rotwolf Canis rufus (Audubon and Bachman, 1851)

English: Red Wolf; French: Loup rouge; Apache: ba'cho; Navajo; ma'iitsch.Former distribution: USA, from central Texas east to the Atlantic coast; and from the Gulf...

Dünengazelle Gazella leptoceros (F. Cuvier, 1842)

English: Slender-Horned Gazelle; French: Gazelle leptocère; Arabic: Thim, Riehm, Ghazal, Abiad; Kirundi: Intaramvyi; Tuareg: akukri.Former distribution: Northern Africa from Algeria, central Sahara to Sudan...

Wasserbock Kobus defassa (Rüppel, 1935)

English: Waterbuck; French: Cobe defassa; Acholi: Apoli; Afrikaans: Waterbok, Kringgat; Amharic: Tera defassa; Bambara: Sensen; Banda-Linda: Beta; Basari: Fëdángáng; Ful: Eas gunta-galaadi, Ndumsa; Gbaya:...

Sitatunga Tragelaphus spekei (Speke, 1863)

English: Sitatunga; French: Sitatunga; Achod: Jole; Arabic: Am Kuluu; Afrikaans: Water Koedoe; Banda-Linda: Zungu; Chilala: Zowi; Damara: !!gam xaib; Duala: Mbudi: Ewondo-Beti: Emuul; Ful:...

Zwergflußpferd Choeropsis liberiensis (Morton, 1844)

English: Pigmy Hippopotamus; French: Hippopotame nain; Ibo: Ogumogu; Ijaw: Ememele-Owei, Odupele-Owei, Eben.Former distribution: No records.Present distribution: From Guinea to Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast,...

Schwarzducker Cephalophus niger (Gray, 1846)

English: Black Duiker; French: Céphalophe Noir; Ful: paseneyel-'baleyel; Wolof: Baroom, Badoom.Former distribution: As now.Present distribution: From Senegal east to Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast,...

Weißschwanzgnu Connochaetes gnou (Zimmermann, 1780)

English: White-tailed Gnu or Black Wildebeest; French: Gnou à queue blanche; Afrikaans: Swartwildebees.Former distribution: Central open plains of South Africa; central and northern Cape...

Schwarzstirnducker Cephalophus nigrifrons (Gray, 1871)

English: Black-fronted Duiker; French: Céphalophe a front noir; Bila: Nge; Ewondo-Beti: Nzumbi; Ful: Kubeyel meelde; Kikongo: Mbambi; Kiladi: Ncoombe; Kirundu: igisaho; Lomongo: Mpambi; Maasai:...

Mufflon Ovis musimon (Pallas, 1811)

English: Mouflon; French: Mouflon; Albanian: Mufloni; Bulgarian: Muflon; Croatian: Muflon; Czech: mufloni zver; Dutch: Moeflon; Greek: Agrioprovato; Hungarian: Muflon; Iranian: Chuche-Armani, Chuch-e-Lar, Chuch-e-Chermez, Ghuch-e-Shiraz;...

Großer Kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros (Pallas, 1766)

English: Greater Kudu; French: Grand Koudou; Afrikaans: Koedoe; Amharic: Agazen; Bushman: N!hwa, xèi, xhi; Damara: Xaib; Herero: Ohorongo; Iswana: Iholo; Kiswahili: Tandala, Mkubwa; Kwanyama:...